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FOMO, or more commonly known as the Fear of Missing Out, is very apparent in my generation. Seeing snapchat stories, instagram, or any form of social media can often be degrading seeing pictures of people hanging out without us. Posting pictures or videos on our stories can give us a sense of power and accomplishment when hanging out with friends. It's all fun and a great until we are on the other side of the spectrum, and we end up getting hurt. When we are put in the position of feeling excluded, we too begin to experience FOMO.

People often ask me, "Did you ever experience FOMO?" My answer yes. FOMO is one of the main reasons I got rid of my iphone in the first place. The source of it all is ultimately jealousy and exclusion. When I first got my flip phone, I felt a little out of place. Being the only one not on my phone during dinners, parties, or even at school was a difficult adjustment.

People asked me (and continually ask me), "Did you see her story?" or "Did you look at what he posted!" My answer to these questions was always no followed by a laugh. People would respond solumny by saying, "Oh ya, I forgot sorry..." Did people actually feel bad for me? Did I really need to see her story or his post to feel accomplished? It was receiving these questions that helped me realize that none of it matters.

I feared missing out on little things like group chats or photos because of my phone. However, after some time, I began to solve these issues myself and figure out a way around them. Now when people ask if I ever have FOMO from my phone, I know exactly what to answer, because from the way I look at it, I don't have FOMO, but everyone else does.

I no longer miss out on what's going on around me, because I am constantly living in the moment. I'm creating memories in my head not on my phone, I'm creating relationships through real life interaction not over the phone, and I'm discovering the person I want to be not the person others want to see. So no, I don't have FOMO, because everyone else around me does, because they are the ones really missing out on this beautiful world and on so many opportunities. I bask in the glory of this world by living in the moment, and someday wish everyone else could to. But until you comes to terms with your FOMO, you will never change.

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